Shih-Jung Wang is an associate professor in Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan. Prior to his academic career, he spent 7 years working as a researcher in National Cheng Kung University and Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. Since arriving at NCU, Dr. Wang has furthered his research interests in the areas of coupled solid-fluid interactive analyses, subsidence hazard analyses, earthquake hydrology investigations, and groundwater environmental investigations. The fundamental research on developing numerical models for investigating the interactive behavior on multiphysical variables are the main target in the first topic. Data analyses and model developments for understanding the mechanisms of land subsidence and earthquake hydrology are the main target in the second and third topics. Applying data analysis and numerical model for the sustainable management of groundwater resources are the main target for the fourth topic.


  • Wang, S.-J., Y.-Y. Lin, Y.-H. Chen, C.-L. Chung, W.-C. Lai, and C.-C. Ke, 2024, Integration of Multiple Observations for Validation of Mechanisms of Earthquake-Triggered Groundwater Level Anomalies: 2016 Taiwan Meinong Earthquake, Journal of Hydrology. (SCI) (accepted)
  • Tran, D.-H., S.-J. Wang, and J.-Y. Chen, 2024, Mechanism of Vertical Displacement Beneath Shallow Compression Zone in Coastal Area, Earth Planets and Space, 76, 74. (SCI)
  • Dang, M.-Q., S.-J. Wang, C.-C. Fu, H.-D. Truong, 2024, Coastal Flowing Artesian Wells and Submarine Groundwater Discharge Driven by Tidal Variation at TaiCOAST Site in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 52, 101708. (SCI)
  • Wang, S.-J., Nguyen Q.-C., Y.-C. Lu, Y. G. Doyoro, and D.-H. Tran, 2022, Evaluation of Geological Model Uncertainty Caused by Data Sufficiency Using Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Modeling as Example, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81(8), 331. (SCI)
  • Tran, D.-H., S.-J. Wang, and Q. C. Nguyen, 2022, Uncertainty of Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Models in Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Simulations – A Case Study in Huwei Town, Taiwan, Engineering Geology, 298, 106543. (SCI)