Dr. Roberta Bonì received her M.Sc. Degree in Applied Geological Sciences in 2013, and Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences in 2016, from the University of Pavia (Italy). Currently, she is a researcher at the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy.”
Her expertise is related to (1) the development of methodologies for the geological interpretation of satellite radar interferometric data for natural and human-induced hazards such as land subsidence, landslides and swelling shrinkage of clayey soils, (2) the development of methodologies for subsoil engineering geological models to support geohazard assessment; (3) the estimation of hydrogeological parameters and modelling of ground motion due to groundwater level changes to support the sustainable use of groundwater.
She has been Principal Investigator of projects focused on land subsidence studies using Earth Observation (EO) data, such as for the use of the TerraSAR-X archive, German Aerospace center (DLR), and the COSMO-SkyMed archive, Italian Space Agency (ASI). She is Responsible Research and Innovation Manager of a project part of the PRIMA programme and supported by the European Union and team member of research projects funded by UNESCO-IUGS. She is the author of more than 20 peer-reviewed papers and guest editor for special issues in international journals.
Bonì, R., Meisina, C., Teatini, P., Zucca, F., Zoccarato, C., Franceschini, Ezquerro, P., BéjarPizarro, M., Fernández-Merodo, J.A., Guardiola-Albert, C., Pastor, J.L, Tomás, R., Herrera, G. (2020). 3D groundwater flow and deformation modelling of Madrid aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 585, June 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124773.
Bonì, R., Meisina, C., Cigna, F., Herrera, G., Notti, D., Bricker, S., McCormack, H., Tomás, R., Béjar-Pizarro, M., Mulas, J., Ezquerro, P. (2017) Exploitation of Satellite A-DInSAR Time Series for Detection, Characterization and Modelling of Land Subsidence. Geosciences, 7, 25.
Fiaschi, S., Tessitore, S., Bonì, R., Di Martire, D., Achilli, V., Borgstrom S., Ibrahim, A., Floris, M., Meisina C., Ramondini, M., Calcaterra, D. (2016) From ERS-1/2 to Sentinel-1: two decades of subsidence monitored through A-DInSAR techniques in the Ravenna area (Italy). GIScience & Remote Sensing, 1-24.
Bonì, R., Pilla, G., Meisina, C. (2016) Methodology for Detection and Interpretation of Ground Motion Areas with the A-DInSAR Time Series Analysis. Remote Sensing, 8, 686.
Bonì, R., Cigna, F., Bricker, S., Meisina, C., McCormack, H. (2016). Characterisation of hydraulic head changes and aquifer properties in the London Basin using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry ground motion data. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 835-849. Remote Sensing, 8, 686.
Bonì, R., Herrera, G., Meisina, C., Notti D., Zucca, F., Bejar, M., González, P., Palano, M., Tomás, R., Fernandez, J., Fernández-Merodo, J., Mulas, J., Aragón, R., Guardiola-Albert, C., Mora, O. (2015) Twenty-year advanced DInSAR analysis of severe land subsidence: the Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) case study. Engineering Geology.